Business Closing Letter Templates & Tips to Ease You Through the Process

Show up for your clients one last time by learning how to write a solid business closure letter.

Updated March 10, 2024

Modern open space empty office with city view

There's a lot to cross off your list when you're closing a business. From processing your emotions to updating your clientele, it's easy to miss things along the way. Let us help take some of the stress away with our business closing letter templates and tips. It might feel like you're in this alone, but remember that you don't have to be. There's help waiting around the corner if you take the chance to look.

Business Closing Letter Templates

As you get everything in order, the two main groups whom you need to notify about your impending closure are your customers and suppliers. These separate letters may take on a slightly different tone depending on your rapport with each. Here are two sample letters for these specific audiences. To make things even easier, each template is a customizable PDF document that you can save and print as needed.

Customer Notification Letter

This template will help you deliver the news to your beloved customers. Prepare for a range of emotions as you may learn how important your business was to others in the community. You may also get some heartening well wishes for your future endeavors. If your business deals in items that still need to be delivered to your clients, this is a helpful letter to send. They need to know everything about the timeline of when they can expect to receive their products, if you'll be issuing refunds, and so on.


Supplier Notification Letter

The suppliers and vendors you work with to keep your business running should be notified, too. This template is set up to let suppliers know that your organization will be ceasing operations. You'll want to provide sufficient notice so everyone can get the books settled, their final account invoices sent over, and all payments sent or received. The last thing you want is to be scrambling to get things settled at the end.

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These form letters cover the basics — but they're not entirely comprehensive. Consider your business and the pieces of information that might be pertinent to add. Remember that every business closure is different!

Why You'd Write a Business Closure Letter

Before you hang a 'closed' sign on your door, you'll send a business closure letter to those most closely involved. A formal letter is the standard here. After all, these are the folks who have been key players in your business activities. They are the ones who purchased your products and services and, in the case of suppliers, provided you with products and services that were instrumental in your business operations. So as one of your final acts of customer service for this specific venture, you'll need to give them advance notice that your business will close.

Need to Know

Business closure letters aren't just goodbye notes, but they're also legal protection. Sending one of these with ample notice protects you from potential lawsuits by suppliers or disgruntled customers.

How to Perfectly Time Your Closure Notice

When's the perfect time to send the letter? Well, that depends. If your closure came out of nowhere and took you by surprise, you'll want a moment to digest the news. And you want to offer your customers and vendors the same courtesy. The sooner the better is often the best answer, but again. it depends on the situation.

Notify Customers as Soon as Possible

If you want to avoid speculation, notifying customers as soon as possible is ideal. Plus, these folks are the lifeline of your business — you wouldn't want them to show up to a shuttered shop. Having notice reinforces your gratitude for your customers' past support and gives them the chance to conduct any necessary final business transactions with you.

In general, consider mailing a closing notification letter at least 30 days before the closure date. For example, a service business like as a dry cleaner or repair shop will need to give customers enough time to come in and pick up their belongings. A retail business will probably want to leave lots of time for a sale to reduce its inventory, with the business closure letter being released before the sale begins.