Can't Sign on to My TritonLink?
Instructions on how to obtain your PID (student identification) or reset your password.
If you are a new student
Follow the instructions for setting up your student account.
If you are a current student
Reminder: Student employee usernames are not the same as student usernames. If your employee username needs a password change, follow the separate staff instructions for changing your AD password.
If you are an alumni
After you have graduated from UC San Diego you can order your transcript or view your Academic History using Social Login.
If you are a former student who has not been awarded a degree, including past visitors
- Fill out, sign, and return the PID/PAC Request Form (PDF) to the Registrar's Office:
- Fax: (858) 534-5723
- Or scan and e-mail: Registrar-StudentServices
If you are a Summer Session-only student
If you have not yet created an account:
- Read and follow the Summer Session enrollment information for visitors (Step 4).
If you set up an account and were assigned a PID, but lost it or don't have it: