CitiMortgage Loan Modification Class Action


Angry homeowners have filed a class action lawsuit against CitiMortgage, Inc. alleging the mortgage-and-loan company not only failed to deliver on its promises of providing borrowers with reduced loan payments, but also “financially devastated” them.

According to the class action lawsuit, CitiMortgage told homeowners that it could help them reduce loan payments by putting them in a trial mortgage modification program, based on the company’s participation in the U.S. Treasury Department’s Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), that would become permanent if the homeowner made reduced payments during the three-month trial period. However, even though homeowners made the monthly reduced payments that CitiMortgage asked them to make, and complied with the company’s requests for various documents in a timely manner, CitiMortgage allegedly denied homeowners permanent modification plans. This put some homeowners in even bigger financial hardship than when they entered the trial modification, despite doing everything CitiMortgage requested of them.

“Consumers that were rejected from permanent modification plans through no fault of their own should find themselves in no worse position than they entered it. Instead, [CitiMortgage’s] failure to honor its agreements and its misrepresentations and omissions about a program enacted to help homeowners reduce their payments and keep their homes have left Plaintiffs and Class Members financially devastated,” the lawsuit says.

The CitiMortgage class action lawsuit is brought on behalf of all persons in the United States whose loans have been serviced by CitiMortgage and who, since April 13, 2009 through the resolution of litigation, have complied with their obligation under a trial loan modification program and have not received a permanent modification pursuant to the loan modification agreement and have been harmed because of it.

The lawsuit is seeking, among other things, class certification, restitution and actual damages for injuries suffered by class members. A copy of the CitiMortgage Class Action Lawsuit can be read here.

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Updated September 17th, 2010

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273 thoughts on CitiMortgage Loan Modification Class Action

carol oleary says:

I made $1.3 million in payments and they foreclosed by lying that I was not included in 2014 agreement with DOJ ! I WAS !!

Barbara smith daugherty says:

Citi mortgage Co are so rotten after my husband was killed in wreck I was making payments o was told make 6 on time payments and it would be put in modification I made 13 by western union and they sold my home with no notice a man came said he bought it I lost everything no where to go I should be paid back for my home and being put thru this they don’t care they should be made to pay back e eryone that lost homes that was promised modification not right God will deal with them and every worker that took part in cheating us out of our homes my former address was 3721 hines gin road selmer tenn

MARIE B says:

In 2010, my husband died and CitiMortgage “forced me to assume his FHA mortgage to keep the home” that was never late and in good standing. Citi encouraged me to miss a couple of payments and apply for a HAMP loan modification before denying it that resulted in me losing the home. I have the mortgage settlement, statements and emails to back up my claim but need help finding representation to file my claim before the deadline.

David lopez says:

My last mortgage is due on march 17 2024. Few months ago I noticed I a deferred balance of 5176.65 dollars that I supposedly did, which I never did. They expect this to be paid in full after my last payment. Which I don’t have. They had a hard time trying figure out when I deferred.Since I am running out of time they offered send me a loan application for the referee amount 2 weeks have passed have not received them. I cannot afford a lawyer. Does fall under scam or fraud?

Michelle Acosta, Fullerton, CA says:

I lost my home to an unlawful foreclosure by CitiMortgage back in 2013, while in loan modification application status, which was clearly a violation of the homeowners bill of rights. I had made the mistake of renting my house to a former best friend and his family, which was just temporary while I got back on my feet. I ended up having to evict them after not paying rent for four months. When that happened CitiMortgage put me in foreclosure and although I was able to catch up and pay the four late mortgage payments that my tenants robbed me of, when I sent the check I didn’t include the late fees which in all totaled about $1200. I asked CitiMortgage if they would give me a payment plan for the late fees because I was out of funds, they refused to give me a payment plan to pay their late fees, and instead put me in foreclosure, and made me apply for loan modification, even though I had already been given one just two years prior. I told them I didn’t need a loan modification. I just needed a payment arrangement for the late fees. I was told by the representative that they don’t do payment arrangements for late fees and that I had no other choice but to apply for another loan modification and even though I told her I didn’t need one, she said that they had new programs that I might possibly qualify for, so I was forced to apply for another loan modification. They would not budge about giving me a payment plan for their late fees so all in all, I lost my house over $1200 in late fees, which is a complete injustice. I purchased my home in the year 2000 as a single woman with one child and one on the way, my third child was born in 2006. My 3 children and I lived there for nearly 13 years. I had a lot of equity in the home, but could not get a traditional refinance because of my employment situation and the ultra stringent underwriting guidelines. CitiMortgage still had my home listed as a 3 bedroom 1.5 bath house, although I did a room addition in 2006 and added nearly 1000 square feet, which included a master bedroom, walk-in closet and bathroom. I never got the final sign off from the city, so it was still listed as a 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath house. CitiMortgage had me in loan modification application status and was stringing me along for over a year, repeatedly asking me for the same items that I had already sent, assigning my application file to a new representative every month. It was a nightmare, and after stringing me along for over a year, they held an unlawful foreclosure auction, and sold my house. CitiMortgage also lost out when it was sold to the real estate investor at the unlawful foreclosure auction way under value. Losing our home was a nightmare that I don’t wish on my worst enemy. Our home was basically stolen from us by a greedy mortgage company who was monopolizing and capitalizing on the market and government bail outs. I hired an attorney, who supposedly specialized in unlawful foreclosures, based out of Northern California. I’m in Southern California so I never got to meet him face-to-face. My mother offered to lend me the $4k retainer fee from a credit card that she had for emergency to retain this attorney. He assured me that we’d be able to stay in the house while it was in litigation for the unlawful foreclosure, but when I was served with an unlawful detainer from the real estate investor who bought my house at the unlawful foreclosure auction, he asked for more money, which I just did not have, nor did I have any other source to borrow from. When I attended the hearing for the unlawful detainer, I was self represented so the judge railroaded me and ordered me out in 5 days. I had 5 days to gather, box up and move nearly 13 years of memories and household items from a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath house and a full garage. It was a total nightmare. I had a nervous break down, but still had to get up and do what I had to do to try to get all of our stuff out within 5 days. I ended up having to rent 3 storage units and had limited help from family and friends to help pack and move all our stuff. I was exhausted beyond comprehension. I don’t even know how I did it. I ended up having to leave some stuff there that there was no room left in the storage for. I still drive by my old house and cry, it’s like a thorn in my heart that can’t be removed, especially knowing that I had so much equity at the time, but could not qualify for a traditional refinance, nor would they bother to give me a repayment plan for $1200.00 in late fees, it just slowly kills me. My old house is now worth over $1M, it’s heartbreaking to say the least. I had two mortgage payments at the time that totaled approximately $1700.00 per month. Here we are 10 years later in 2023 and I’m paying $2300.00 a month in rent for a 2.5 bedroom, 2 bath apartment that I do not own. Talk about injustice, it literally ails me. I wish I would’ve known back then what I know now about the law. I don’t have extensive knowledge, but I do know basics and I wish I could go back 10 years and handle the unlawful foreclosure on my own which I would be confident doing today but now it’s clearly too late. I never got any type of remedy for such a huge loss. It’s a thorn in my heart that will not ever go away (unless my old house was given back to me). Losing our home had such a life-altering, detrimental effect on my children and my life. I could go on and on but there’s not enough room here for my entire story. CitiMortage, you were so wrong stealing my home and the homes of so many others. CitiMortgage, may God bless and repay you a thousand fold, for all your deeds.

J dial says:

Mortgage fraud 14 years City Mortgage they had no note they don’t have proper assignment South Florida courts are crooked with it

Shirley Ann Taylor says:

I have been done the same way by CitiMortgage, Inc. CitiMortgage, Inc, put me into default without the 120 days buffer, gave me no face-to-face meeting per my mortgage contract, and violated all the rules and policies. I had a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insured government loan, and they foreclosures on my property, without proper notification. Because I live in a Non-Judicial state, I tried to fight it, but the judge and trial court gave Citi Summary judgment, without any evidence, that they (Citi) had authority to my property, which, was my primary residence. It is so sad how these mortgage companies and servicers are doing borrowers of government loans and we cannot get a Consumer Attorney or lawyer to work with and for us and our homes have been taken away from us. I have tried for months to get a lawyer to take this case, even after the Appellant Court states, they have to be in strict complaince, before they can foreclose on one’s property

The attorneys in the courts are in find it I’ve been in foreclosure try fraud Stoppers organization Barbara Daugherty smith says:

Citi mortgage took my home after telling me if I made 6 on time payments it would be put in modification program I made 12 with western union money orders they sold my home no notice at all to me just one day a man came said he had bought it I had to get out it left me homeless and without the home me and my husband bought he was killed in wreck it devastated me losing my home and left me homeless this was done after letters were sent stating if I made the payments on time it would be put in modification I should be compassionated for this sorry way to do people

The courts and attorneys are in on it try fraudstopper organization if you find a real attorney please send their number to me

Diana Bouse says:

I, too, was swindled by Citimortgage in 2011. I support myself and have supported my disabled daughter all her life. I had owned my home and faithfully made payments for almost 10 years, but I lost my job. I kept in contact with them, and they arranged a program for me to make reduced payments for several months, which I faithfully did, and then I was told that the payments would then be increased, and that the $14,000 or so that I had already paid in principle would no longer be counted, and that I was back to owing the original amount I paid for the home nearly 10 years prior. They kept putting bright orange stickers on my front door, warning that I should contact them immediately; yet, they never responded. They would always say they would return my calls, and never did! I never talked to the same person twice. I was often told that a man named “Justin Holmes” would return my calls, but I wonder if this was just a joke, because I never heard from him. I spent many hours on hold and made dozens of calls over the several months while their threats continued. My stomach was in knots as I kept working the low-paying jobs that I had, trying to dig myself out of the problem. Finally, they told me they would foreclose. In an attempt to save my credit rating, I agreed to a short-sale to a private individual, arranged through a licensed agent. This was the only thing that saved me. Yet, my credit was still damaged. And the worst part was that my daughter and I had to end up in a tiny 2-room apartment. To this day, I still drive by our former home and miss it dearly. I know that we would still be there if it weren’t for the diabolical practices of Citimortgage.